
As principais grandes áreas de pesquisa desenvolvidas pelo Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais são:


  • Permeabilidade e Secagem de Concretos Refratários;
  • Concretos Refratários Contendo Óxido de Magnésio;
  • Desenvolvimento e caracterização de nanopartículas cerâmicas multifuncionais para aplicações em compósitos poliméricos;
  • Cerâmicas nanoporosas com estrutura hierarquizada para aplicações em altas temperaturas;
  • Vitrocerâmicas por cristalização volumétrica e sinterizadas para diversas aplicações;
  • Desenvolvimento de vidros e vitrocerâmicas para diversas aplicações;
  • Moagem de alta energia de cerâmicas eletrônicas;
  • Desenvolvimento e caracterização de materiais com gradiente funcional;
  • Desenvolvimento de eletrólitos a base de beta-alumina;
  • Materiais Cerâmicos para blindagem

Professores: Eduardo Bellini Ferreira, Rafael Salomão, Vera Lúcia Arantes


  • Pesquisador Associado do Centro de Tecnologia de Materiais Híbridos (CTMH), um dos Núcleos de Apoio à Pesquisa da USP (NAP-USP);
  • Conception, manufacturing, mechanical, microstructural and fractographical characterization, nondestructive inspection, failure analysis and prevention of fiber-reinforced polymer & metal matrices composites, hybrid self-healing & hierarchical materials;
  • Densificação de cermetos;

Professor: José Ricardo Tarpani, Vera Lúcia Arantes


  • Projeto de ligas metálicas;
  • Tratamentos térmicos;
  • Nitretação iônica;
  • Tratamentos por imersão em banhos de sais em metais fundidos e calorização;
  • Aspersão térmica;
  • Solidificação Rápida – Ligas amorfas e nanocristalinas,
  • Metais amorfos e nanocristalinos;
  • Processos Metalúrgicos de Fabricação;
  • Caracterizacão de Materiais;
  • Tensões Residuais e Textura Cristalográfica;
  • Comportamento mecânico de aços em meios agresssivos;
  • Metalurgia Física e transformações de fases em aços;
  • Análise de falhas.
  • Deposição física (PVD) de recobrimentos e implantação iônica em superfícies;
  • Ligas e materiais à base de magnésio;
  • Densificação de pós metálicos processados por metalurgia do pó;
  • Síntese de compósitos de matriz metálica pelo processo de Manufatura Aditiva por Soldagem a Arco (WAAM – Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing)
  • Oxidação em altas temperaturas: Esta linha de pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar os processos de oxidação em altas temperaturas em meio de H2S na indústria petroquímica;
  • Mecânica e metalurgia da fratura: Esta linha de pesquisa tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de metodologias e determinação da vida em nucleação e propagação de materiais utilizados em engenharia, buscando a correlação entre microestrutura e propriedade, considerando o efeito do meio e da temperatura;
  • Nanotecnologia Química: Esta linha de pesquisa tem por objetivo a obtenção e caracterização de micropartículas e nanopartículas de alginato e quitosana para liberação controlada de herbicidas e quimioterápicos;
  • Corrosão: Esta linha de pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar os processos de corrosão global e localizada em ligas de alumínio de grau aeronáutico;
  • Ensino de física: Foundations of Teaching & Learning. Inclusive Teaching & Scholarly Practice. Technology Enhanced Learning. Teaching and Learning with Technology;
  • Fatigue: Many of the aircraft in service today have exceeded their original design life span and economic consideration have driven the industry towards the retention of older aircraft. Material degradation due to corrosion and fatigue processes are the major factors that contribute to the aging of an aircraft. Corrosion and corrosion fatigue are recognized as significant damage mechanisms to the navy aircraft structures. With extension of operation life, the problem is becoming increasingly important and has received more attention of the aeronautic researchers. Aircraft in flight situations are subject to repeated loads, frequencies and aggressive media. Thus, many structures are expected to endure long lives while exposed to corrosive environments, as well as repetitive loads. The aircraft industry has recently shown renewed interest in the aluminum-lithium (AlLi) alloys, which offer improvements in structural performance through density reduction, increased stiffness, better fracture toughness and higher fatigue crack growth resistance, as well as enhanced corrosion resistance. The corrosion and fatigue properties of aluminum alloys are major issues in the service life assessment of aircraft structures and in the management of aging air fleets. Corrosion Fatigue (CF) phenomena is an important and complex failure mode that may take place in high performance structural metals submitted to repeated loads in an aggressive environment. The understanding of the CF phenomena, the kinetics and micromechanisms of fatigue crack growth under these circumstances, is essential for life prediction and for the development of more resistant alloys. Here, we study the correlation between intrinsic (chemical composition, microstructure) and extrinsic factors (frequency, type of loading, medium, temperature) in the nucleation life and fatigue crack growth of 2xxx and 7xxx series aluminium alloys.
  • Localised electrochemical techiniques: The use o localised eletrochemical techniques such as SVET and SIET may help to shed some light on the corrosion mechanisms. In fact, metallic corrosion is associated with anodic oxidation (metal oxidation followed by hydrolysis of the formed cation, with production of H+) and cathodic reduction (water and oxygen reduction with production of OH-). Thus, the combination of SVET (measuring the localised anodic and cathodic currents produced in the corrosion process) and SIET (probing the changes in local pH due to anodic acidification or cathodic alkalinisation) is a powerful tool for the assessment of the nature and evolution of the microgalvanic corrosion process.
  • Biomaterials: dental and orthopedic implants: The demand for the development and use of biomaterials, especially orthopedic, traumatological or dental implants has been increasing daily. Among metallic biomaterials, titanium (Ti) and its alloys are given preference to use as orthopedic implants. Ti alloys display good mechanical strength, good resistance to corrosion process in an aggressive medium, low density , relatively low Young´s modulus as well as good biocompatibility. Considering all production of Ti alloy about 50% is related to the Ti-6Al-4V. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy is used as reference material for the development and improving other alloys. Despite the range of attractive properties mentioned above, Ti-6Al-4V alloy exhibits low hardness, poor resistance to wear and corrosion processes in a medium containing fluoride aggressive ion. In fact, when the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is exposed to an aggressive media, the TiO2 thin films produced spontaneously on the alloy surface are broken, leading the material to global and localised corrosion processes. In this sense, considering the most diverse applications of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, it is crucial to improve its surface properties. Here, surface treatments are used to improve the corrosion resistance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy.
  • Nanotechnology applied to agriculture: Objetivo: Agriculture uses large quantities of plant protection products to reduce productivity losses caused by biotic agents. Among the phytosanitary products regularly used in agriculture are herbicides, also known as agricultural pesticides. The agricultural pesticides presently employed in agriculture have different physicochemical properties, which give them different degrees of environmental persistence, mobility and toxicity potential. Studies on the encapsulation of herbicide molecules in microparticles, using biodegradable polymers aimed at their controlled release, have been the subject of research in recent years. The encapsulation may be established as a process for confining active compounds within a particulate matrix, to achieve one or more desirable effects. The particles can be used for immobilization, protection or stabilization, controlled release of the entrapped molecules, and for alteration of the characteristics of the active principle. Sodium alginate (Na-ALG) has been widely used in the encapsulation of compounds, by protecting the encapsulated compounds from adverse factors such as temperature, humidity and pH, improving stability and bioavailability. Here, we use biodegradable polymers for herbicide encapsulation;
  • Interfaces and surfaces engineering: The aim of this topic is to provide a respectful outlet for sound science research on surfaces and interfaces engineering area. This topic line studies coatings engineering, interfaces and thin films, nanostructured materials applied to aircraft industry, nanostructured materials used in biomedical application, modification and functionalization of surfaces, chemical and physical deposition methods, characterization and analysis.
  • Aluminum alloys for aircrafts: The aircraft industry is constantly looking for improved materials, which offer benefits in terms of performance, weight and cost savings. The 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminium alloys are commonly used in aircraft applications where high strength-to-weight ratios are required. The aim of this research topic is to evaluate the effect of localized corrosion mechanisms and corrosion-fatigue crack growth resistance of aluminium alloys used as aircraft materials. For this purpose, electrochemical techniques such as Open Circuit Potential (OCP), Potentiodynamic Polarization Curves (PPc), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Scanning Vibrating Technique (SVET) and pH micro-potentiometry combined with mechanical tests is the specialty of this line.
  • Electrochemical characterization of supercapacitors: Energy storage systems are a fundamental technological issue for a variety of topics that includes portable energy devices, electric automobiles, renewable environmental energy resources, and energy storage operations. In these systems, the energy-storage capacity, the charge-discharge rate, and the cycling stability are important characteristics to maintaining a device operating safely and efficiently in different scenarios and operating states. However, many new applications require not only high energy and power densities but device-oriented characteristics such as mechanical flexibility and tunable dimensions, demanding the development of new hybrid materials, production methods, and design techniques. Here, we develop pure and applied research of hybrid materials to be used as supercapacitors.
  • Inherently conductive polymer coatings:  Intrinsically conductive polymers (ICP) can be useful in corrosion protection as a form of coating onto metals and metal alloys owing to their conductive ability and due to the strict environmental regulations on conventional heavy metals coatings. Thus, the aim of this research topic is to evaluate the effect of ICP coatings on the resistance of corrosion. Thus, the aim of this research line is the development of robust studies on surface treatment using ICPs in order to improve the corrosive properties of materials used in aircraft and biomedical applications.

Professores: Haroldo Cavalcanti Pinto, Jéferson Aparecido Moreto, José Benedito Marcomini, Luiz Carlos Casteletti, Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira, Vera Lúcia Arantes

Microscopia Eletrônica

O departamento possui os equipamentos relacionados abaixo, que atendem pesquisa e prestam serviços à comunidade acadêmica.

  • Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura;
  • Microscópio de Aspersão Atômica
  • Microscópio Carl Zeiss
  • Microscópio Estereoscopicos Carl Zeiss
  • Microscópio AXIOSCOPE

Para maiores informações, consulte a página do CEPAME e Núcleo


  • Desenvolvimento de resinas sintéticas para aplicação como material isolante;
  • Nanociência e Nanotecnologia de Polímeros;
  • Polímeros Biodegradáveis;
  • Química da Madeira;
  • Eletrofiação;
  • Correlações processamento-estrutura-propriedades de materiais poliméricos;
  • Materiais híbridos;
  • Reaproveitamento de resíduos das indústrias;
  • Biomateriais poliméricos;
  • Manufatura aditiva;
  • Economia Circular;
  • Technology Roadmapping (TRM) para alinhamento da tecnologia – planejamento de produto oriundo de resíduos industriais;
  • Degradação e Estabilização de Polímeros;
  • Processamento de Polímeros;
  • Síntese de Polímeros;
  • Degradação de Polímeros;
  • Desenvolvimento de Blendas Biodegradáveis

Professores: Antonio José Felix de Carvalho, Marcelo Aparecido Chinelatto e Márcia Cristina Branciforti.

Rolar para cima